
Asmita grew up bouncing from home to home of different relatives, never seeing her father and mother who labored constantly and lived at their work site leaving the children in the care of others.

After completing her basic level education, her parents could not support her education any further so she dropped out of school. She was still living with relatives and doing all the household chores as a way to repay them.

Since she didn’t have any vocational skills, Asmita wasn’t able to find a suitable job. She was longing for an opportunity to learn skills so that she could sustain herself and help her family. She noticed there were many other girls in her village who went to India for employment, but she was scared to follow them. Instead, she decided to go to Krishnanagar, a Nepali town along the border, looking for the possibility of jobs or skill training.

There, Asmita met our partner’s staff who approached her and shared information on the dangers of human-trafficking. She shared she had come looking for a job, so she was invited to the Safe Home and told about the training programs that would be available.

Asmita says she is blessed to have met our partners who cared for her and offered her a real future. She is learning basic skills of tailoring and is looking forward to going to the Training Center very soon.

Kristi Kirschmann