
Born into a poor farming family, Mansari was expected to forgo her education and work to support her five younger siblings. She was just 13 when she left home and started her job at a brick factory. There, Mansari was forced into child labor working long hours with very little compensation and was abused verbally and physically.

One day, Mansari met a man who told her about a lucrative job opportunity in India. Thinking about the financial security for her family and her siblings, Mansari decided to go to India with him.

“14 year old Mansari was offered a way out of poverty and she accepted, not understanding she was walking into a trap of sexual slavery in India.”

It wasn’t until she got to India that Mansari realized she had been deceived and sold to a brothel. She was forced to serve more than 20 men per day. They abused and assaulted her if she didn’t comply. After spending almost three years in the brothel, Mansari was rescued and made the arduous journey back to Nepal and into intensive care at our Safe Home. Over time, Mansari decided to pursue her training in tailoring to secure a job and support her family. She was dedicated to her training and extremely determined to finish the course. She learned to use the advanced machines used in manufacturing factories.

After graduating from the Training Center, Mansari joined the Kingdom Hope Garment Factory where she is now a seamstress. She earns a fair monthly wage with benefits including health insurance. She not only supports her family but is also saving money for her own future. Her story is woven into each piece of clothing she produces.

Kristi Kirschmann