
Madhuri came from a family of farmers who barely made enough money to put food on the table. She remembers seeing other children in her village have plenty to eat, go to school, and afford new clothes. She didn’t understand why her life appeared so much harder, and why she couldn’t have the nice things other children enjoyed.

Madhuri always liked sports. It was her outlet from the hardships of her life. One day, a man noticed she was very talented and asked if she wanted to go with him to play in a competition. The winner would earn a large reward. He was very persistent.

Madhuri remembers thinking, “If I want to have a successful future, I need to leave my family and go with this man so I can get us out of poverty.“

Thankfully upon arriving at the border, our partners intervened and asked Madhuri many questions. It became obvious that Madhuri was not heading to a sporting event as she imagined. She was heading for something much, much worse.

Madhuri accepted an offer to go to the Safe Home where she could learn skills and how to run a successful business. She is thriving and so thankful to be among other daughters and staff who care for her.

Kristi Kirschmann