From Bad to Worse to...Safe
Saras, a 25-year-old woman, was given a life-changing proposition: leave her home in India to work as a well-paid housemaid in prosperous Dubai. The man set everything in order, and she went. But after two months of work, she had not received any wages. She wanted to demand what was due her. She wanted to quit. But, she found herself helplessly entrapped in this foreign land. Without money, she couldn’t go home. She repeatedly contacted the man who had given her the position, begging to return home. He finally assented, but when she arrived in New Delhi, he imprisoned her in a hotel room with the intention of selling her body and soul. Before he accomplished this evil plan, Saras learned about our partner organization through an acquaintance, and sent word of her imprisonment. Her nightmare came to an end in January 2018, when our partner organization and the local police raided the hotel room and set her free. Although her story was going from bad to worse, we stepped in at the eleventh hour, and brought her into safety. Saras is now at a safe house recovering, and rediscovering herself.